Sim2Real with Reinforcement Learning:

We're tackling the challenge of making robots smarter and more adaptable through reinforcement learning. Our project focuses on Sim2Real—training algorithms in simulations and applying them to real-world robots. We start simple with network inference on microcontrollers and progressively tackle more complex tasks, culminating in controlling a quadruped robot. This work isn't just technical; it's about building the future of autonomous robotics, step by practical step. Follow along as we break down our process into six key phases, each moving us closer to our goal!

Network Inference: We optimize AI models to run efficiently on microcontrollers, testing the limits of real-time data processing.

  1. 1 DOF Simulation, Torque Pole: A simple control task validates our simulation's accuracy against real-world physics.

  2. Hardware Design: We develop and test the electronic components necessary for robotics, focusing on motor controllers and sensors.

  3. Simulation Setup: Complex environments are created in simulation to train our AI models, focusing on dynamics and control.

  4. Embedded Software and Motor Control: Custom software is written to precisely control motors based on AI decisions, ensuring smooth operation.

  5. Results and Analysis: We evaluate our system's performance, comparing simulated predictions with actual outcomes to refine our approach.

A Visionary Journey: From Dream to Reality

At the heart of every groundbreaking project lies a seed of inspiration—a vision that beckons the mind to explore uncharted territories. My journey began with a seemingly audacious goal: to revolutionize drone flight control using the cutting-edge capabilities of Reinforcement Learning (RL). This ambition was not born out of a mere fascination with drones but from a deep-seated belief in the transformative power of RL to redefine the boundaries of autonomous flight.

The Pyramid of Trust: Building Foundations for Innovation

Recognizing the magnitude of this endeavor, I embarked on a strategic path, one that required meticulous planning and incremental progress. I envisioned a "Pyramid of Trust," a structured framework where each layer represents a foundational project, essential for ascending to the pinnacle of my ultimate goal. This approach was not just about ensuring technical feasibility; it was about fostering confidence in the methodology, tools, and, most importantly, in the potential of RL to bring about a new era in UAV technology.

A Feasibility Study in Microcontroller Deployment

The first step in this ambitious journey was to ascertain the viability of deploying RL policies on embedded microcontrollers—a cornerstone for the practical realization of an RL-based drone flight controller. This exploratory project was crucial for understanding the capabilities of microcontrollers in handling the complexities of RL algorithms, determining the inference rates achievable, and evaluating the sizes of neural networks they could process. It was a venture into the unknown, a test of both technology and tenacity.

Torque Pole: The Ideal Candidate

In my quest for a suitable project to lay the groundwork, the torque pole experiment emerged as the perfect candidate. It represented more than just a technical challenge; it was a symbolic first step towards achieving my broader ambitions. By focusing on the development of BLDC motor controllers—both hardware and software—I was not only addressing an immediate project need but also acquiring vital skills and knowledge for the drone flight controller. The torque pole project was a practical choice, yet it was imbued with the promise of future possibilities.

Beyond Drones: The Vision of a Robotic Quadruped

My aspirations extend beyond the skies. The dream of creating a robotic quadruped has also been a driving force behind my journey. This ambition adds another layer of complexity and excitement to the endeavor, embodying the spirit of innovation that guides my work. By tackling the torque pole project, I am not just laying the foundation for the UAV flight controller but also taking a significant step towards realizing the quadruped robot. It is a testament to the "three birds, one stone" approach—each project interconnected, each success a leap towards multiple horizons.

Embracing the Future with Determination

This journey is more than a series of projects; it is a narrative of passion, innovation, and relentless pursuit of a vision that extends the boundaries of what is possible. As I continue to build upon my "Pyramid of Trust," I am not just engineering solutions; I am crafting a legacy of knowledge and inspiration for future explorations in robotics and autonomous systems.

Level 1: Network Inference

Objective: The foundation of the pyramid focuses on establishing the capability of microcontrollers to perform neural network inference. By integrating software in the loop, the microcontroller will interact with a simulation, processing data to perform inference and return actions based on the simulated environment.

Challenges: Key challenges here include optimizing the neural network to run efficiently on the microcontroller's limited resources, ensuring real-time performance, and validating the accuracy of the inference results against expectations.

Level 2: 1 DOF Simulation, Torque Pole

Objective: The second level aims to validate the simulation's fidelity by comparing its predictions with real-world outcomes in a simple control task. The torque pole experiment serves as a practical testbed to refine and adjust the simulation model, ensuring it accurately reflects real-world physics and dynamics.

Challenges: Challenges at this stage involve accurately modeling the physical system in the simulation, ensuring the RL model trained in the simulated environment can be successfully deployed in the real world, and addressing any discrepancies between simulation and reality.

Level 3: Multi DOF Simulation

Objective: With a focus on a more complex system, this level tests the training and deployment of an RL model for controlling a single robot leg capable of performing tasks like jumping. This stage aims to explore the challenges of more complex dynamics and control strategies in a multi-degree-of-freedom setting.

Challenges: The primary challenges include managing the increased complexity of the simulation, ensuring the RL model can handle the additional degrees of freedom effectively, and maintaining performance and accuracy in the control outcomes.

Level 4: Quadruped

Objective: Building on the successes of the previous levels, the final stage involves applying the learned principles and models to control a full quadruped robot. This represents the culmination of the pyramid, where the integration of multiple legs and coordination strategies are tested.

Challenges: Challenges at this pinnacle include ensuring the cohesive operation of multiple controlled limbs, dealing with the complexities of balance and dynamic movement in a real-world environment, and scaling the control strategies learned in simpler models to a more sophisticated system.

Moving Forward

Each level of the pyramid not only serves as a stepping stone to the next but also as a validation point—ensuring that the underlying principles, technologies, and methodologies are sound before moving to more complex applications. This structured approach allows for the systematic identification and resolution of issues, ensuring a solid foundation for the final goal of implementing an advanced RL-based control system for UAVs and robotic quadrupeds.

By documenting and reflecting on the learnings at each level, you not only build a robust framework for your own project but also contribute valuable insights to the fields of robotics and reinforcement learning. This pyramid, while a guide for your journey, stands as a testament to the power of structured innovation in tackling some of the most challenging problems in AI and robotics.