• Getting Started with Issac Gym

  • Designing Robots

    • URDF + Xacro

    • Solidworks

    • Isaac Sim

  • Training Robots

 The goal of this project was to explore how to use Isaac sim to train reinforcement learning policies and to study the workflow for deployment to a Nvidia Jetson embedded system. Click below to find out more.


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This project is ported from some work I was doing with pybullet. The goal was to create a robot where the primary mode of locomotion was from induced torques produced by reaction wheels.


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This project involves designing a robot in solidworks, porting the mechanical designs to a URDF file and training a locomotion policy with Isaac Gym. The goal is to design a robot that I can build with a 3D printer and off the shelf parts that can execute a control policy learned in simulation


Unity & ML-Agents Quadrotor Control